Section: Dissemination


  • J-R. de Dreuzy, J. Erhel and G. Pichot presented a poster entitled "Une eau souterraine très sollicitée", at Rencontres de la Transition Ecologique en Bretagne, January 2014 [39] .

  • J. Erhel gave a talk entitled "la terre se met aux maths", at lycée Descartes, Rennes, in March 2014 [38] .

  • J. Erhel participated in the panel on "Parle-t-on d'informatique comme on parle des autres sciences?", congrès SIF, Poitiers, France, Feb 2014

  • The text "Henry Darcy et sa loi" from J. Erhel was published in the book brèves de maths [37]

  • É. Canot, J. Erhel and L. Lenôtre, with M-O. Cordier, N. Lacaux, C. Lafon and J. Stainer, were in charge of the two stands Inria and Interstices at Village des sciences, Chartres de Bretagne, Sep 2014.

  • J. Erhel and M-O. Cordier, with Espace des Sciences de Rennes, invited J.-P. Delahaye to celebrate the ten years of Interstices and to give a conference about the bitcoin, Rennes, October 2014.

  • L. Lenôtre gave a talk at Conf'Lunch, Inria Rennes, December 2014.